The books of the Bible were originally written on scrolls. How Were the Books of the Bible Established? The following is a division of the books of the Old and New Testament as we know it: There are 66 books in the Bible that cover a time span of 1500 years the Old Testament consists of 39 books and the New Testament consists of 27. The books of the Bible are not listed in chronological order, as they are divided by different forms of literature. So, Why Isn’t the Bible in Chronological Order? The Bible contains truths and commandments that, at times, prove challenging for us to obey ( Hebrews 4:12) however, they are written in order that we, as Christians, may live an abundant life, free from the bondage of sin, and filled with spiritual victory ( John 10:10). In 2 Timothy 3:16, it states that the Bible is “God-breathed,” in order to teach, train, rebuke, and correct us in our faith walk. The Bible is the Word of God and the ultimate declaration of His love, mercy, and ultimately, the gift of Salvation to mankind. Why Is the Bible So Important to Christians? This is because the books of the Bible are organized by literature and not by chronology. Whether you read your Bible for daily inspiration, or you study the Bible in scholarly depth, navigating through the different books of the Old and New Testament can be confusing, as they are not in chronological order.